厚积薄发 大展宏图 Great Ambition on Accumulated Strength
2015-09-30 16:28:44    来源:大酒店传媒


珍视员工的潜力,鼓励年轻人发展个性,与此同时,曾先生作为“大家长”,时刻维护着整个酒店运营结构的稳固和始终如一的高标准服务。领导力是他极为强调的,对于每个部门的管理者他有着严格的要求,但却是用一个非常朴实的谚语来传达,“Monkey see,monkey do”这是他当年服兵役时的一句训导,如果用汉语来表达,“以身作则,上行下效”或许是合适的。

Exclusive Interview with Mr. Richard Chan, General Manager of Hilton Urumqi

Richard values employee’s potential and encourages personalized development. As a “team leader”, he always maintains the stability of hotel management structure and adopts consistent Hilton standard in hotel services. He always emphasizes leadership and poses higher requirements on the managers of each division. “Monkey see, Monkey do” is an instruction that he received in his military service. There are also similar expressions in Chinese.