2015-12-30 09:37:26    来源:大酒店传媒

海外名厨Alan Wong与Jerome Tauvron 抵沪颁奖,分享厨艺心得

2015年11月27日,上海 – 国内领先的豪华酒店业专业媒体“大酒店传媒”携手上海外语频道ICS 今天在上海凯宾斯基大酒店举办2015“洋厨房”颁奖盛典,共同颁发今年的各大奖项。

来自上海金桥红枫万豪酒店酒店的Fabio Polidori以其精湛而独具创意的厨艺与美轮美奂的造型荣膺“年度最佳厨师”桂冠;截至到本月中旬,大酒店传媒的官方网站(www.grandhotels.com.cn)厨师总投票量突破1830000张选票。

共同参与大奖评选的有《大酒店杂志》读者、上海外语频道ICS 的观众、大酒店传媒的编辑、上海国际频道ICS “洋厨房”节目的主持人和制作团队,以及来自国内外的资深酒店高管、高端商旅客人和休闲观光客代表。

大酒店传媒主编Cherry Li 表示:“今年是大酒店传媒成立十周年。在过去的十年里,我们见证并记录了中国酒店业快速而持续的发展。我们评选引领行业发展的杰出酒店领袖、厨师和业主,从而推动整个行业的发展,对此我们深感自豪。”

今年的“洋厨房”颁奖盛典是第九届。今年活动的突出亮点是来自海外的两位名厨Alan Wong和Jerome Tauvron参与的现场环节。两人都是第一次造访上海,特意参加颁奖盛典,亲手把众人注目的大奖颁发给获奖者。他们还在互动环节分享了各自的成功故事与精进厨艺的心得。 


Alan Wong享有“夏威夷本地美食大师”称号,他擅长采用夏威夷本地最优质的食材,糅合东西方众多民族的烹饪手法,创造出有着自己鲜明风格的夏威夷美食,并且在事业上取得了巨大成功。身为美国亚裔,东方的烹饪基因与生俱来,而后天研习法国厨艺,使他把两者完美结合。在他的手上,东西方的烹饪手法,水乳交融,珠联璧合。2013年美国厨师协会把Alan Wong作为厨艺大师列入名人堂。Alan Wong开设的餐厅屡获殊荣,接待过造访夏威夷的历届美国总统、参议员与各界名流。他的美食作品富有创意,充满现代韵律;让客人“醇享夏威夷”。他的多家餐厅格调高雅,环境舒适;提供夏威夷特色的殷勤好客服务,充满真挚的“Aloha 精神”。

名厨Jerome Tauvron 是法国人,常驻伦敦,以其创意料理享誉英伦。他开设的餐厅L’etranger屡获殊荣,吸引伦敦乃至整个英国的各界精英名流慕名前来品尝美味。L’etranger是伦敦首家法日餐厅,融会法国美食与日本料理精华,精心呈现“两种不同文化的惊艳碰撞”。他的美食理念深受日本怀石料理的影响,追求“美味”与“绝色”的高度统一,从而创造出 L’etranger 风格的惊艳美食、室内装修与优质服务;他把当代法国的奢华与优雅与日本的精致和细腻完美结合在一起。 





今年赞助商包括上海天士力药业有限公司、上海复荣环境科技有限公司、上海荷裕冷冻食品有限公司、斐泉FIJI Water、伊甸之林(上海)商贸有限公司、甫田网(Fieldschina.com)、智利干露酒庄、兰维乐(上海)食品有限公司、法国丽固瓷器(Legle France)、恒天然集团、上海林湖国际贸易有限公司、Stuart Wines 、酷彩法厨商贸(上海)有限公司、Mspairs以及百乐嘉利宝(苏州)可可有限公司。


You Are The Chef Award Ceremony Marks Grand Hotels Media 10th Anniversary
Celebrated chefs Alan Wong and Jerome Tauvron confer the awards to winners

27 November 2015, Shanghai – China’s leading luxury hospitality media Grand Hotels Media and Shanghai’s popular English language TV channel International Channel Shanghai (ICS) have jointly announced the winners of 2015 ‘You Are The Chef’ Awards at a gala ceremony held today at Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai.

Mr. Fabio Polidori, Executive Chef of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East was crowned ‘Chef of the Year’ for his innovative culinary skills as well as artistic presentation of food. By mid November, There are more than 1830000 votes at an online voting held at Grand Hotels Media website (www.grandhotels.com.cn) . 

The award winners were voted by Grand Hotels magazine readers, ICS viewers, editors of Grand Hotels Media and ICS’s ‘You are the Chef’ host and producers, as well as veteran hoteliers, discerning business travelers and leisure tourists from both home and abroad. 

Cherry Li, Editor in Chief of Grand Hotels Media said, ‘This year marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of Grand Hotels media. Over the past decade, we have witnessed and recorded down the sustainable development of China’s thriving hospitality industry, and we feel profoundly proud to be contributing to the industry by awarding the most outstanding and trendsetting hoteliers, chefs and hotel owners.’

The highlight of the “You Are The Chef” Award Ceremony, now in its 9th year, was the sessions attended by two visiting celebrity chefs Alan Wong and Jerome Tauvron. They flied to Shanghai for the first time in their life to attend the gala event to present the coveted awards to winners and shared their success stories and insights in an interactive panel session on the stage. 

Noteworthy was a cooking competition by two visiting celebrity chefs and all chef candidates for the award. Chinese cuisine chefs were required to make sushi , while Western cuisine chefs tried wrapping Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) on the stage. The game was designed to encourage chefs to broaden their horizons by learning and incorporating different cooking approaches, and create fun for the guests. 

Known as ‘Master of Hawaii Regional Cuisine’, Alan Wong has made a highly successful career out of marrying elements of different ethnic cooking styles using the finest Island-grown ingredients. As his Asian roots combine with his French culinary background, east and west cuisines meld seamlessly under his hands. The American Academy of Chefs inducted Chef Wong into their Hall of Fame as a Celebrated Chef in 2013. Alan’s award winning restaurant has been frequented by the US president, senators and celebrities in Hawaii. Creating innovative dishes with a contemporary twist, his goal is to have his guests ‘Taste Hawaii’.  His restaurants express a casual yet elegant ambience and welcome their guests with Hawaiian-style hospitality and the ‘Aloha Spirit’.

Frenchman Jerome Tauvron is a London based famous chef well known for his creative cuisine, and his award winning restaurant L’etranger is one of the most sought after restaurants in London and all across the UK.  L’etranger is the first French-Japanese restaurant in London, combining the best of two cuisines and creating ‘an epitome of strikingly orchestrated cultures’. Heavily influenced by Kaiseki philosophy, Jerome pursues creation of the very fine dishes whose flavours synchronise extraordinary looks, and therefore has created the L’etranger-styled food, decoration/interior and service where contemporary French luxury and elegance meet Japanese delicacy and precision. 

As an initiative of Grand Hotels Media, a nationwide charity auction ‘Discover the Charm of Hotels’ was held between 18 May and 18 August this year in cooperation with 90 top internationally branded hotels across the country. Each hotel designed and donated a unique  hotel stay and accommodation package to be auctioned off at Grand Hotels Media website. At the award ceremony, Grand Hotels Media officially donated the charity auction proceedings RMB 135,600 to Shanghai Smiles Foundation. It is learnt the money will be used to subsidizing unprivileged students and patients. 

The annual ‘You are the Chef’ Award Ceremony has also developed into a center stage where hotel people display their talent. This year’s award ceremony staged a surprise show of dashingly handsome young men and beautiful young women waltzing in four pairs gracefully around the red carpet. The waltzing pairs were recruited from the sales and marketing departments of internationally branded hotels in Shanghai and had been given professional training before the show. Guests also had a great opportunity to watch the debut of tenor group ‘Men in Black’. Consisting of seven hotel general managers, two hotel executive chefs and one professional singer, the group presented a recital from ‘O sole mio’ to an engaged and delighted audience. They enthusiastically cheered and applauded. 

The grand finale of the evening was the competition of ‘Hotel Princess’. Gracing the stage were 10 shortlisted hotel young ladies in stunning evening dress. A guest MC introduced the 10 ladies, one by one, to the full house of guests. Three young ladies who received the loudest cheers and applauses were crowned Champion, first runner up and second runner up of the competition. 

Over the years, the great creativity and diversified event themes by the joint winning team of Grand Hotels Media and ICS left a deep impression in the minds of their guests. To reflect the common concern of internationally branded hotels, organizers have developed this year’s theme of ‘food safety and green healthy environment’, and have thus gathered a great number of suppliers and sponsors who are fully committed to food safety, green energy and healthy environmental for this great occasion.

This year’s sponsors included Shanghai Tasly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , Shanghai Flory Environmental Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai Hollywin Frozen Food Co., Ltd, FIJI Water, Forest of Eden, Fieldschina.com (Shanghai’s established online grocery store), Viña Concha y Toro (the largest wine company in Chili), Oravida (Shanghai) Food Co., Ltd, Legle France (world famous porcelain brand) , Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. ,Shanghai Lin Hu International Trading Ltd. , Stuart Wines, Le Creuset (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. , Msparis and Barry Callebaut (Suzhou) Chocolate Co., Ltd.,

2015 ‘You Are The Chef’ Award Ceremony was attended by a total of 300 guests who were general managers, chefs and marketing and sales representatives of internationally branded hotels across China, business partners and associates, sponsors, VIP readers and TV audience representatives and celebrities from all walks of life. At the award ceremony, guests had a great opportunity to win great lucky draws gifts provided by hotels and sponsors and enjoyed a lavish dinner presented by the dedicated chef team of Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai.