2024-03-26 15:03:52      来源:大酒店传媒

      为响应“地球一小时(Earth Hour)”全球公益行动,上海安曼纳卓悦酒店于3月23日举办了一场别开生面的“关灯瑜伽”,并号召宾客积极参与,以此表达对保护自然生态环境的支持。


      作为公益环保理念和社区责任精神的积极践行者,上海安曼纳卓悦酒店已连续多年举办“地球一小时(Earth Hour)”主题活动。此次的“冥想瑜伽”,是一次特殊的尝试,向更多人展示酒店及宾客对环保节能的态度,用行动提倡大家来关注保护地球。

      酒店总经理陈光清(Andy Chen)先生表示,“ ’地球一小时(Earth Hour)’是非常有意义的活动。对自然生态的关注并不局限于这60分钟之内,酒店将继续践行和支持节能的生活方式,共同为地球发声,与自然共生。”

Amara Signature Shanghai Hotel went dark for one hour on March 23th to support of Earth Hour 2024. Our hotel joined millions of people around the world in turning off those lights at 6:30 p.m. local time to illuminate a powerful message about environmental awareness and action.

The Hotel invited guests to experience meditation yoga and also participated by turning off exterior signage lighting; diming or turning off non-essential interior lightings and using candlelight in appropriate public areas.

Mr. Andy Chen, General Manager of the Hotel said. “Earth Hour is a very meaningful event, care about the environment is not limited to this 60 minutes. Our hotel will continue practicing green life, voice out with our earth and survive with the nature.”
