2017-03-17 13:56:32    来源:大酒店传媒

Colormen Salon November: Masterpieces from The Centre Pompidou


One of the most exciting events in Shanghai is the “Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou 1906-1977”. Today on the Colormen Salon Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou, participants were given the chance to see more stories behind the scenes at the Equatorial Theatre, Hotel Equatorial Shanghai. The hotel selected Pure Platinum fragrance from Air Aroma™ and VC® Brilliant & Royal black tea with golden ring to echo the theme of today’s salon.

This exhibition presents one artwork per artist per year from the 1906, beginnings of Fauvism, to the establishment of the Centre Pompidou in 1977. Including paintings, sculptures, photographies and installations, the exhibits offer a chronological excursion through 20th century. This exhibition is a celebration of the exceptional art collections of the Centre Pompidou and the decades of continued friendship between China and France.

“蓬皮杜现代艺术大师展”走进上海国际贵都大饭店,在贵都剧院向来宾们展示更多展览的幕后故事。贵都为此次沙龙特别匹配了来自Air Aroma的至尊白金(Pure Platinum)香氛和拥有迷人金圈的VC布莱恩皇室红茶,来映衬本次沙龙活动的璀璨光芒。

