2017-06-19 16:54:32    来源:大酒店传媒

The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay Defined “The Ritz-Carlton Bride” Theme Wedding in Partnership with VERA WANG

金茂三亚亚龙湾丽思卡尔顿酒店携手VERA WANG打造名媛臻尚婚礼

The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay unveiled the Wedding Show Room together with VERA WANG, revealing the new wedding theme for year 2017: "The Ritz-Carlton Bride".


Mr. Muga Zhang, Public Relations Manager of VERA WANG, Mr. Ye Kai Zhong, Deputy Director of Sanya Tourism Development Commission, Mr. Rainer Burkle, Area Vice President, Luxury Brand of Marriott International, Greater China, Mr. Hoss Vetry, Multi-Property Vice President and General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay, Mrs. Emma Gao, Director of Catering & Conference Service of The Ritz-Carlton Sanya, Yalong Bay joined the ribbon cutting ceremony.




金茂三亚亚龙湾丽思卡尔顿酒店携手时尚婚纱品牌VERA WANG正式揭开婚礼展示厅的神秘面纱,开启今年的婚典主题“丽思卡尔顿新娘-名媛臻尚婚礼”,为新人打造一见倾心的婚礼体验之旅。


VERA WANG 中国公关张凯,三亚市旅游发展委员会副主任叶凯中,万豪国际大中华地区奢华品牌区域副总裁Rainer Burkle,金茂三亚亚龙湾丽思卡尔顿酒店宴会及统筹总监高阳,丽思卡尔顿酒店区域地区副总裁兼金茂三亚亚龙湾丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理魏浩生出席了剪彩仪式。
