2017-09-04 11:48:12    来源:大酒店传媒

To Explore the 25th Hour of Chinese--Artel Brand Strategies Press Conference

旅行Poly Plus:寻找中国人的第25小时——2017年保利雅途酒店品牌战略发布

If Life Has Another 25th Hour
To explore this virtually philosophical topic is to search for a meaning to existence for today’s Chinese. Artel Linzhi hosted an activity named The 25th Hour Original Life and Art. Inthe early summer of 2017, several artists from different fields embarked on their journey to explore the 25th hour.

Artel’s 25th Hour Exists in Every Distinctive Destination
Linzhi Tibet, where the first Artel was born. Nankun Mountain and Yunfu will follow its path. In the future, PolyCre will be emphasizing to develop the brand “Artel” by stages throughout China. Artel will generally focus on Southern China, focusing in core areas and cities such as the Southwest, Yangtze River Delta andBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, finally along the East Coast and the Yangtze River. With imagination, no matter in natural surrounding resort or bustling city centers, you will discover Poly’s Artel and its 25th hours in every distinctive destination.


