2017-07-17 09:38:52    来源:大酒店传媒

TORRES CHINA Great 20th Anniversary


As time passes by, TORRES CHINA is welcoming its 20th anniversary in 2017.


In 1997, TORRES signs Join Venture agreement with GREAT WALL GROUP for the bottling and distribution in China of “Tres Torres” wine (with Joan Ramon Casals as our first country manager), the wine is launched in 12 cities, 2 employees. In 2005, TORRES opens its branch in South China, with famous Vincent Law as its Managing Director, China team enlarges to 80 people. In 2006, TORRES is appointed sole agent for TAITTINGER CHAMPAGNE. In 2007, BARON PHILIPPE DE ROTHSCHILD becomes key shareholder of TORRES CHINA with a stake of 10% of the company, the same year, TORRES CHINA celebrates its 10th anniversary with 150 employees. From 2009 to 2012, TORRES opens branches in Chengdu, Shenzhen, Sanya, Chongqing and Xiamen, Team enlarges to 300 staff. In 2015, Damien Shee is appointed as General Manager of TORRES CHINA. In 2016, the company grows to a record of EUR 35M net sales turnover.


Now, In 2017, TORRES creates COOLWINES, a new portfolio of niche wines from the Old and New World.




1997年,桃乐丝集团与长城集团签订合资协议,共同灌装并在中国销售“桃乐丝斗牛士”系列葡萄酒(由桃乐丝首位中国区总经理Joan Ramon Casals主持),此系列产品在12个城市发布,公司团队仅2人。2005年,桃乐丝中国在华南地区设立分公司,总经理是充满魅力的罗达章先生,中国团队增至80人。2006年,桃乐丝中国成为泰亭哲香槟的中国大陆地区独家代理商。2007年,法国罗思柴尔德男爵酒庄以股东身份加入桃乐丝中国,持有桃乐丝中国10%股份。同年,桃乐丝中国携150人团队庆祝10周年华诞。2009-2012年,桃乐丝中国在成都、深圳、三亚、重庆及厦门分别设立分公司和办事处,团队增至300人。2015年,许志伟先生被任命为桃乐丝中国总经理。2016年,公司营业额破纪录,达到3,500万欧元。


2017, 桃乐丝中国为中国葡萄酒市场带来了新鲜血液——“COOLWINES”,致力于从全球甄选这些独具匠心的小众名家珍酿。
