2017-07-17 10:00:18    来源:大酒店传媒

The Trendy Way to Enjoy 2017 Summer Vacation-Island Hopping in Fiji

- Follow Captain Cook to Explore the Charming Fiji



Treasure Island, surrounded by marine conservation areas, is one of the most favorable islands. A series of sea activities are specially designed for energetic and curious kids, like snorkeling, canoeing, sailing, fishing, and undersea world discovery, etc. Besides, Treasure Island uniquely features Coconut Throwing competition, just like the shot.


Pacific Harbor, known as Fiji’s adventure capital, is less than an hour’s drive from Suva. The Pacific Coast and outer islands live up to their reputation as a spot for adrenaline junkies, offering a wide variety of activities to get your heart racing, from zip line, surfing and shark feeding to four-wheel drive tours. As the third largest island in the Fijian archipelago, Taveuni is a microcosm of Fiji. It is also an ornithologist’s paradise with over 100 species to be seen. And the Tagimoucia, which only grows on Taveuni’s higher elevations during the summer months. Much less commercial than the Mamanucas, the Yasawa Islands offer stunning white sand beaches, blue lagoons and a variety of terrains; hence, it is popular amongst back packers and those students with limited budget. The Yasawa chain is composed of 20 sun-drenched islands, without roads, cars, shops and developed network.


If you would like to explore the charming Fiji as much as possible within several days, the stay on-board cruise provided by Captain Cook Cruise is a best choice for you, which will offer you a chance for in-depth discovery of Fiji’s island groups, especially the cruise for Fiji colonial site, remote north and exploration of Lau & Kadavu islands which are not seen by tourists but with truly untouched beauty.

被海洋保护区包围着的金银岛(Treasure Island),是玛玛奴卡群岛中最受游客欢迎的岛屿。孩子们总是充满着充沛的能量和永不减退的好奇心,浮潜、皮划艇、远航、捕海星、抓鱼、探索海底世界等丰富有趣的海上活动,仿佛就是为他们度身定制。金银岛上还有着独一无二的扔椰子大赛,将大小各异的椰子作为铅球,狠狠地抛出,距离最远者为赢家。


距离斐济首都苏瓦(Suva)仅一小时车程的太平洋港,是座名副其实的冒险之都。远航、驾驶四轮机动赛车或是冲浪、操控喷气式滑板,这里的活动项目之多,令人眼花缭乱,而其中最值得体验的当属高空飞索和喂食鲨鱼的潜水之旅了酷爱冒险的你不如将此作为跳岛游的首选。作为斐济的第三大岛,塔妙妮岛被誉为是斐济的缩影,这里可谓是鸟类学者的天堂,随处可见的鸟类超过上百种。黎明时分登上斐济最高峰——德辅峰(Des Voeux Peak),你将发现丝尾莺和鲜艳的橙色果鸠而每逢炎夏,正是鹦鹉和扇尾鸽在威达瓦雨林筑巢繁衍的时节,你可攀登至马泰附近的山岩,找寻它们的踪迹。由20座阳光小岛组成亚萨瓦群岛远离喧嚣将浓重的商业味拒之门外,因此深受背包客的青睐,若是预算有限的学生一族,不妨此作为跳岛游的首选。拥有绝美的细白沙滩、蔚蓝的泻湖和多元的地貌,该也被称为斐济自然风光保存得最好的地方。岛上没有公路、没有汽车、没有商店、也没有发达的网络,但举家共享天伦绝妙选择


